It’s about that time

Well fellow Meatlovers, I’ve decided to end the years of posting, hosting and coasting along the musical highway on the Meatskull freeway. I haven’t felt compelled to keep things progressing in 2012, and despite the fact that around 350 people are still visiting each day, it’s not as fulfilling for me as it once was. By not staying on top of the blog, I feel it has run it’s natural course.

Having said that, I do intend to create a new space online that will incorporate certain elements of Meatskull but will be broader in scope and content. I will be posting a link up here as soon as that gets off the ground.

The MAN may have fucked up a lot of the fun and many, many links within the site but there’s always a way around these curbing attitudes and actions via new means of distributing the joy of sound.

To every single one of you who contributed, commented and encouraged this blog – I salute you.

Adios amigos, I hope you had fun.

Ol’ Meaty